In other news, I have packed the majority of my bags with the exception of clothes that I will be wearing until the departure. I have two suitcases of clothes, shoes, photos and other miscellaneous things. One bag is entirely full of books... I really hope that it doesn't exceed the 50 pound (or should I say 22.7kg) limit. I also purchased a new backpack this last week to use as a carry on bag. I have a carry on suitcase that will have all of my clothes for the wedding in New York, but before leaving for Glasgow, I will switch out for some warmer clothes just so I have stuff in case my luggage is lost.
The poor living room looks like a war zone with all my stuff strewn about.
But things are now a little more organized:
The following picture is scientific proof that cats love luggage. Just ask Olivia and Sarzo:
Olivia always wins. |
The weather change will be quite different too. Right now in Phoenix it is about 105 degrees Fahrenheit with about 15% humidity. In Glasgow it is about 16 degrees Celsius (62 Fahrenheit) with 80% humidity. Extremely different, but I am so excited to escape the heat and go from this:
to this:
More to come soon as I prepare for the big move.